De gebruikte software





' Program BERDECL.BAS for publication Drs. W. Apon 20-1-2010 PA0SLT ' This is a program to calculate the declination of a radio-source. ' You can measure the fringerate with adding interferometry. ' This is the shortest timelap between two maxima in the graph. ' You must give it in time-minutes. ' You also need to have the frequency and the baselength. ' Baselength is the distance between the 2 receiving antennas. ' It works when the baseline is West-East oriented. ' For other orientations i am not sure. ' For my measurements of Cassiopeia A it works perfect. ' This program is based on info from "Fringe Dwellers" ' ' look at the menu-item: extragalactic. There is the explanation ' This program gives a declination: 58.57526 degrees ' INPUT INFORMATION: '=================== freq = 35.125 ' In MHz baseline = 139.05 ' in meter fringerate = 27 ' in minutes time ' fringerate may not be smaller then about 14.078 minutes pir = 180 / 3.14159265# lambda = 300 / freq CLS PRINT "Freq : "; freq ' in MHz PRINT "Base : "; baseline ' in meter PRINT "Measured Fringerate : "; fringerate ' in minutes PRINT ' HERE STARTS THE CALCULATION '============================= fringespacing = (lambda / baseline) * pir ' at the equator PRINT "theoretical fringespacing at the equator : "; fringespacing; " degrees for 1 fringe" equatorialfringerate = fringespacing / 15 ' in hours time equatorialfringerate = equatorialfringerate * 60 ' in minutes time PRINT "theoretical fringespacing at the equator : "; equatorialfringerate; "minutes for 1 fringe" x = equatorialfringerate / fringerate arccosx = (ATN(-x / SQR(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * ATN(1)) * 180 / 3.14159265# declination = arccosx ' PRINT THE CALCULATED DECLINATION '=================================== PRINT PRINT "Declination : "; declination; " in degrees" END